Opening the category in the topic-list on mobile

Something was bugging me for a long time and I didn’t really try to check on this, on topic-list on mobile, I noticed it was sometimes hard to click on the category below the topic-title. 90% of the time, I opened the topic when I wanted to open the category.

I may be relevant to say I use Chrome on an recent Android device (and it’s up to date).

I’m not the most precise person (I have at least one typo per message), but it kept happening.

Anyway, I did some digging, and I noticed this:

(on this screen, I used an user agent on desktop, it may not be representative of the real experience)

The padding bottom on the title seems quite big and I think it is what prevents to open easily the category

The source code is this:

.topic-list .main-link a.title {
    color: #222;
    padding: 0.5em 0 1.2em 0;

Does the padding bottom at 1.2em serve some purpose?

I tried to fix this on my forum by using the css below. It totally fixed my problem, but I wanted to be sure it could not cause any other issue.

.topic-list .main-link a.title {
    padding: 0.5em 0 0 0;

I don’t know if I’m the only one who had this little annoyance :thinking:

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Yes that is intentional, we do not support going to the category in this manner on mobile. The tap targets must be very big on mobile and the primary target by far is the topic not the category or tag. Use the category drop down instead.