Option to stop the Discobot in a vanilla install

More and more I run into Discourse installs in the wild. Which is great of course. Only to be greeted by ye olde @discobot every time and have to go through the tutorial. Yes I can skip parts. But wouldn’t it be nice to have a stop option so you can cancel the tutorial whenever you want?
Yes, new users will also be able to stop this, but is that any different then them ignoring the Discobot? At least you might get some more insights on what percentage actually stops the bot at what moment. This might give you insights on how to improve it.

You can freely ignore the signup PM that @discobot sends you, simply don’t reply to it. You don’t have to go through the tutorial, so I’m not sure what the request here actually is?


The following site settings discourse narrative bot enabled and disable discourse narrative bot welcome post are available if you’re considering to disable it.


So if I just stop responding, it won’t send any reminders or stuff like that? I hate it when I see this little (1) with my avatar for an unread PM I don’t want to read. I’d rather just delete it and be done with it. I just found I can archive it. Maybe that’ll help…

There is a Dismiss option to clear that notification


I just had a user complain about discobot nagging him to respond. He started the tutorial but at some point stopped responding. The discourse_narrative_bot.timeout.message annoyed him enough to get in touch with me.

Hey @%{username}, just checking in because I haven’t heard from you in a while.

  • To continue, reply to me any time.
  • If you’d like to skip this step, say %{skip_trigger}.
  • To start over, say %{reset_trigger}.

If you’d rather not, that’s OK too. I’m a robot. You won’t hurt my feelings. :sob:

The user said skip, but that only skipped one step of course and so he got the next prompt from discobot, which he ignored again until he received the next timeout message.

I’d appreciate it, if there were a way for the user to stop the discobot chat or for the admin to opt out of discobot sending the timeout message at all. There has been a request to allow admins to customize the timeout time. Setting it to 0 could turn it off entirely.

This is by design indeed.

Discobot send only one notification/email if a user does not reply within minutes to the next step.If the user ignores the notification/email and the tutorial is not continued Discobot does not send other notifications.

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True. Yet I found the description of the user logical and relatable.

Of the three options discobot gave him, skip seemed to be the best. When he got the next prompt in response and ignored it again, discobot presented him with another nag and the same three options. It felt to him like he had to go through the whole thing to make it stop.

“Skip” is specified with “skip this step” but perhaps it would be appropriate for you to add a 4th option where you say “do not reply to me and I’ll stop bothering you” or similar.

That’s exactly what I did. :+1: