Page for not-logged in users with a single topic displayed

I’ve looked around quite a bit, so apologies if there is an easy answer I’ve missed (apologies to you, yay for me since it’ll be easy :slight_smile:

I’ve created a Category that is visible to users that are not logged in, and it has a single topic in it that explains the point of our community / rules / etc…

The problem is that on the default page, it shows the category title, and the first few lines of the topic, but then when you click on it, it takes you to the Category, which shows just the one topic, and you then have to click again in order to see the full topic. I’d like to make it a single-click experience. You can see what I’m talking about here: (or possibly here: if I’ve migrated it to replace our old, flarum, site by the time you see this.)

Ideally I’d like the page displayed to new users to just be the second page. Seems likely I can change the default home page url, but I don’t see how.

Or maybe there’s something else I’m missing, seems like this sort of thing must be a common need – I just want a page that’ll intro non-logged in users to the forum, and give them a bit of background.

Thanks much – loving discourse so far, it’s way better than flarum :slight_smile:

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Welcome to Meta!

Since you enabled login required, I can only see a login page. As long as your whole site is login required, this overrules your category security settings. You can customize the login page, for example, with Trendy Login. Combined with Page Publishing to publish your topic explicitly also for not logged-in users, you could show a link to your topic on your login page.

There is also a theme component to set Custom Homepage for Groups. But I don’t think it works for anonymous users when login is required.


Thank you so much – this is exactly what I was looking for, I had already set up a published page so now it’s all perfect :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile:



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