[Paid] Open/Active Topic Limit

Update: CLOSED

What would you like done?

Admin Options:
Selected categories:
Error text:

User is only allowed to have 1 topic that is currently active/open in a custom selection of categories.

Say the selected categories are A and B. If the user creates a topic in category A, then tries to make another topic in either category A or B - then disallow it.

An active/open topic can be determined from the values In the ‘topics’ table in the db matching these:
deleted at: NULL
visible: TRUE
closed: FALSE
archived: FALSE
category_id: (matches any of the selected categories)

Users equal to or above the selected trust level should not be affected (default: staff).

User UI:
If a new topic is rejected, display an error including the custom error text and provide a link to their currently open topic underneath. If there is more than one open topic (should be a rare case), then either link to one (preferably most recent) or all of them. Whichever is most simple.

When do you need it done?
No strict deadline, an estimate would be helpful though.

What is your budget, in $ USD that you can offer for this task?
Open to offers, just PM me. :email: - I’ll update this thread if the task is taken.

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Hello from Pavilion. Sending you a PM regarding this.


I’ve updated the spec to be more simple and precise. Have removed the requirements involving the review queue also, which added quite a bit of complexity.


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