Pattern for "must read" content

i have a set of core content that is organized in stages. i want folks to go through stage 1 content before they see stage 2. in thought i might be able to achieve this with trust levels. is there a a way to require reading / liking specific posts/categories in order to advance to the next trust level?


Not out of the box. If you don’t mind a more manual approach you could use open groups in a similar way.

At the end of one topic or section link the user to a group page for them to join, which reveals more/other categories.

Anything more will need a plugin.


Another alternative is to trust your users, and just have a link at the start of every topic pointing back to the start:

:bulb: Hopping in for the first time? Make sure you check out the introduction to the series!

In Part 7, we will cover …

Combining with auto-delete replies and wiki posts, and you can have a useful ordered set of wiki topics :slight_smile:


Thanks! Can you say more about this
“Combining with auto-delete replies and wiki posts, and you can have a useful ordered set of wiki topics”

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Auto-delete replies are under the Topic Wrench → Set Topic Timer.

Making a post into a wiki is under the → Post Wrench → Make Wiki.

This means that people can discuss improvements to the original post, make those improvements, and the discussion will be automatically removed afterwards.