Pencil icon does not zoom out

When zooming using Cmd+- the pencil somehow stays original size while everything else zooms out.


I can’t repro that here on Meta, can you? If so, which theme are you using?


This is a screenshot from Meta from yesterday. But I am sorry for my incompetence so here are some more details that are important in these cases:

Theme: Default
Browser: Safari 18.3
OS: MacOS 15.3.1
Mode: PWA (although it does it directly in the browser, too)

I can confirm that it works well in Chrome. So it seems to be a Safari issue.


I can repro this, oddly Safari doesn’t seem to want to scale icons… this doesn’t happen everywhere, it seems to have something to do with multiple nested font-size declarations (which are hard to avoid!)

It looks like this has been reported as a bug, which was at one point fixed, and then reverted recently

Yes, 287302@main reverted the fix. No one is actively working on this bug.

I guess one thing we can do is use width/height instead of font-size on svgs to avoid it