Phantom notification in DiscourseHub app

Ok I don’t know why my response was hidden but this issue occurs in the mobile app not registering the message as read. The issue does not occur is the desktop web app.


Yeah, I think you found another fun quirk when you replied just as I was merging another topic in. I think the post numbers changing mid-flow meant you ended up replying to a whisper post and inheriting the whisper state. Let me see if I can fix that up. :+1:


Hello folks,

I’ve got a beta out for DiscourseHub that should fix this issue. If you’re interested in testing the beta, please use this link: TestFlight - Apple

Note that this is a bigger change in behaviour than just a bug fix, DiscourseHub now follows the same logic as the new user menu introduced in core >9 months ago. The main difference from before is that opening the user menu in the web app will clear the notification counts in DiscourseHub as well (for that site, of course).


I can’t join

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Sorry about that, looks like I had to set a new limit for testers via link. Can you try now, please?

Getting the same thing

Can you try with this other link please: Join the Discourse Hub beta - TestFlight - Apple (not sure why, but the test group for the original link is stuck in the “isn’t accepting any new testers” state).

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Thanks for your work on this.

First test flight link worked for me just now


This one still happening for me even on the latest TestFlight beta 1.8.12 (421) latest

Beta crashed for me today.

After relaunching I accepted the popup that asked if I wanted to report the crash. So you would have the crash report already.

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I have just submitted the app update to Apple for review. It should be ready in a few days and it includes a fix for this issue.


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