Pinned posts not staying on top in one category


In the Language Forge category of the SIL Language Software Community Discourse site, pinned posts are not staying on top. Currently they seem to be acting like regular posts, getting knocked down the list as other posts are created and commented on. This, despite the fact that the pin icon is clearly visible to the left of the topic title.

The order is the same whether I am logged in or viewing in incognito mode.

In other categories, they always stay on top regardless of whether a user is signed in or if they have read the topic (as it should be).

Per the suggestion of the above topic, I have checked the category settings, but didn’t find “automatically unpin topics” or “default topics automatic unpin.”

Perhaps @Heeam-Shin meant the site settings?

This topic lead me to /admin/site_settings/category/all_results?filter=unpin where I found the following settings as such:


  • Automatically unpin topics when the user reaches the bottom.
  • Automatically unpin topics when the user reaches the bottom by default.

It seems that I would want them to stay unchecked. And in any case, these settings appear to apply to all categories.

These posts should always stay on top:

I have also already tried the following in the settings of the topic:

  • Removing the “Resolved” tag
  • Unpinning and repinning
  • Clicking “reset bump date” (later I learned that does near the opposite of what I wanted)

Any ideas on what else to try? I was granted admin access especially to address this issue, so everything admin-related is new to me.

Thanks for your help.

Hi Alex,

Actually, now I’ve scrolled down I can see the culprit

It’s because the first view you post is in the main category, but the topic is pinned in a subcategory:

So this topic will also slide down in the main category:

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Whohoo @Tris20! Thank you. I fixed it!

What I had to do is take the topics out of their “LF How To” subcategory and just leave them in the “Language Forge” category.

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