Placeholder texts showing instead of default translation string with tagging plugin

So I’ve just installed Discourse using Finnish locale and tagging plugin. Seems that latter isn’t (fully?) translated yet, and the placeholder strings aren’t very friendly. I assume you’d wanna show default (English) strings when something is not translated?

A couple of examples;

  • In the hamburger menu the “tags” string shows as: [fi.tagging.tags],
  • In post creation form instead of “choose optional tags for this topic” [fi.tagging.choose_for_topic] is shown,
  • etc.

Is there a simple workaround for this?

Yup … copy the english locales to finnish.

cp [PLUGINPATH]/config/locales/client.en.yml [PLUGINPATH]/config/locales/
cp [PLUGINPATH]/config/locales/server.en.yml [PLUGINPATH]/config/locales/

You need to enter your web container if you’re using docker and go to /var/www/discourse/plugins/discourse-tagging/ (that’s your pluginpath).
After you do this, you need to restart the docker (maybe rebuild it even)

If you have a manual setup, you have to figure out on your own where your ruby files are located

oh … and in, you have to change the first line en: to fi:

Alternatively, create a translation and submit it as a push request on github… :wink:

Thanks for the guidance!

New to Docker (and Rails!), so takes a bit of learning to get around.

I’ll request a membership for the translation team – maybe I can contribute that way :smile:


This is no longer an issue as we fallback and tagging is now in core.