Plugin ui designer needed

What would you like done?
I am creating an Escrow plugin, I have a majority of all the backend work done, i just need someone who has a little experience with creating UIs for Discourse plugins

All I would need is a example plugin that does this:

  1. Adds a new page “/escrow/<:id>”, only viewable for admins and users with id (seller_id, buyer_id)
  2. Adds a button on topics “Purchase” which opens a model form (amount, price etc…)
    2.1 When press “Submit” send notification to Seller (topic owner). And a message in their private chat that a Escrow has been created
  3. Button to call for admin in chat, if its a escrow chat. Should just invite an admin and ping them in chat probably, and give notification.

That’s the hard part, The backend does not need to implemented. I just need the frontend to work. I can do the backend myself.

When do you need it done?
As soon as possible

What is your budget, in $ USD that you can offer for this task?
$300 (up for negoitation)

Sending a PM. :slight_smile:

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