Post actions disappears for some reason?

I recently updated a discourse instance ( and installed the events/calendar plugin. After the update, post actions seems to have gone wonky?

With the default config for post actions,

I don’t see any icon buttons below posts

But when I delete all the options in “post menu hidden items”,

the icons show up (all of them).

I had to jump through a bunch of hoops to upgrade the db, Could that have cause this issue?

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Just tried in safe mode and all options checkes worked fine. I did a bit of changing options around and an unofficial plugin seems to be the problem.


Thanks, I didn’t know about safe mode. It looks like the problem is caused by our theme, rather than the plugins. When I disable all plugins, but enable the theme, the problem persists.


Oops :sweat_smile: I didn’t actually compare the theme with other options. Might be worth spreading awareness on safe mode to others for troubleshooting.


Thanks for the help. I’ve tracked down the issue. Our theme sets a CSS rule for nav.collapsed that is hiding the menu.

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OK glad you solved it!

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