"Powered by Discourse" should be on by default

I wholeheartedly agree with this statement. The end user has no reason to know what version of whatever forum software that’s being used. I have read where on certain forum software they used to include the version number in the footer with the copyright and come to find out certain versions had a security hole and people were targeting sites running that particular version of said software.

I myself have no problem with the users knowing what software I’m using even though I’ve bought copyright removal on pretty much every forum software I’ve used in the past not because I wanted to hide what I was using but because I think it should be the customer’s choice to display that. If a member of my community was to ask what software I was using I had no problem telling them.

I love the fact that even being free to self host that Discourse doesn’t show the copyright by default just like another forum software I’m using. I hate that when I’m paying hundreds of dollars for something I’m made to show the copyright unless I pay hundreds more but alas that is how things work I guess.

Again back on topic I haven’t used this forum software long enough yet to know if there are any potential vulnerabilities but I don’t think version numbers should be shown on the member facing side of the community. That’s something only Admin and such need to know when they are needing support on something.

How can end users tell admins that they are running an old version and
need to update, if end users are not allowed to even check what version
they are using?

Non admin have no need to know what version is being used on a site. If the admin hasn’t updated they either can’t because of a plugin or theme that’s being used or server limitations don’t allow to update to newer versions or maybe the admin just hasn’t thought about updating. Again no reason a non admin needs to know what version is being used.

I think my answer to your previous topic on this still stands:

But to try and pull this back on topic for this topic, the ‘powered by Discourse’ addition is fairly new and we are exploring different approaches to enabling it. We may well start enabling it by default for new sites, but we’re mindful of the impact it could have on existing ones. However, as it is fairly easy to turn off this may also be an option too.

If our approach on this does evolve then we’ll post an update in the announcements topic - New feature: Opt-in to display that your site is Powered by Discourse topic


That is quite common way and there is no real cons. So you guys should go for it, because I bet the biggest issue for CDCK is not alter things for paying customers.

And the biggest pro is we can close this… bikeshed and move on towards other disappoitments :rofl:

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Fine. Never mind the version number. Probably some GitHub commit string
that Mom and Pop at home wouldn’t understand anyway. (I don’t know. As a
mere end user I can’t see it.)

How about instead some “freshness dating”, enabling the end user to get
an idea of just how out of date their admins have let Discourse slip,
without needing to ask them potentially irritating questions each time
they want to check.

By the way, if you close this topic, what will happen to this email
reply I’m sending in?

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This is becoming increasingly off-topic so I think I’ll close this off here and point to New feature: Opt-in to display that your site is Powered by Discourse for any future updates. :+1:

Let’s find out. :slight_smile:

(Though it should be rejected, and you’d receive a rejection email saying why)


Little follow up…