"Powered by Discourse" should be on by default

At the bottom of
we observe “Powered by Discourse”.
But that’s not the default for new installations.
How about have the default for it to be “on”,
and if some site feels bad about it, then they can turn it “off”.

Just like when we buy a box of powdered porridge, we feel more comfortable with food labels on the box, even in a country that doesn’t require them.


I agree because it is something that CDCK may need. Same way than WordPress is advertizing itself when installed.

But this is off topic. It has nothing to do with UX what so ever. It is matter of

  • layout
  • visual component
  • advertizing

No users need it and its visibility or hiding doesn’t change how users can or will use a forum.


If they can’t find out what software they are using then they are back to Googling “What are the formatting rules for that BBS with those dots on the splash page?”

And that’s bad UX.

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Speaking about those dots,
how about they be increased from five to nine,
starting with

It’s a form of advertisement as it links back to a hosting service. That’s why they’ve been polite enough to make it optional.

There’s definitely an argument to provide the option to keep the logo and remove the link behaviour.

(It goes without saying that the success of that hosting business has been central to the development of the platform! But I digress …)


Everyone who can change the settings knows what software is running. Anyone can look at the source of the page and see what software it is. It’s almost easier than scrolling to the bottom of the page, and gives you info about what version it is.


As someone with development experience, I’m not even sure it would immediately occur to me to check the page source. It also is not really a realistic option on mobile (which most of my users are) and makes an assumption that the users knows where to look in the source (since they can’t just ctrl+f the software name if that’s what they are looking for)

Additionally, Discourse seems to primarily be used in the tech space, so many of the people with the ability to check the page source can already recognize the Discourse UI. For the vast majority of non-technical users, there’s no realistic way for them to figure out that the platform they are on uses an open source software called Discourse

+1 to on by default +1 to keeping it optional


If you’re a normal user using a forum and you’re curious about how to use that forum, isn’t it natural to ask on the forum? Other users will know the answers. Perhaps they can point you at a FAQ or a previous thread.

If there’s any kind of community, in the sense of people helping each other, you’ll find out things you need - maybe some you didn’t realise you needed.


It’s a side discussion but I find users (at least my users) are extremely reluctant to ask basic questions like this. There is a fear or hesitation that a lot of people have to generally starting a topic that I wish I could reduce.

But that aside, the issue isn’t that people can’t figure out what the software is called but rather it shouldn’t be hard. It shouldn’t be a problem that needs to be solved. The intuitive place to look is the /about page.

Even better, from the perspective of Discourse, users should know passively to improve brand recognition


The plan is for it to be default on for self hosters, but clearly allow self hosters to disable if they wish

@rishabh is coordinating timing and messaging


Such valuable information is added by conspicuous branding when in fact the brand (as with Discourse) has such a superior development and support community, such exemplary features and forward-positioning within the over all marketplace of forum platforms.

IMO the fact that a community space is built on Discourse is a compelling selling point for my forum projects, both for potential community sponsors as well as potential community members.

When, in the wild, I encounter a Discourse forum, I am immediately drawn in by that fact.

I plan to feature the “Powered by Discourse” logo and link even more prominently (at the top of my community sites) in order to capitalize on the brand and community which I am so proud of, and so honored to be a part of!


Theme Component? :wink:

I think a footer could also work really well

Need to be careful the organisations aren’t confused.


Excellent point :face_with_monocle:

Okay now that we’ve all agreed that letting people know that they’re using Discourse is not such an ugly thing or security risk., now we turn to letting them know what version number they’re using!

Last time I recall we had a big argument that letting people (end users, the little guy at the end of the chain) know what version number they’re using is it a super big security risk, and “If they’re so smart then they can figure it out anyway or just pass the URL to some site that tells you what the answer is.” And “Why must they be allowed to know such things, when their lives can go on just the same without being able to know it.”

So I propose somewhere in the menu of all Discourse sites worldwide, there be an item, perhaps way on the bottom that tells you what version is. And it might as well as you tell you you’re using Discourse too Because sometimes the “powered by” might not be visible.

Aside from the security risk I simply don’t see the point.

The only people who need to know this are developers and admins and they can find that information from existing sources.


I think a lot of end users would be concerned reading they use a “beta” or even “beta-dev” version of the software because they are not familiar with the way Discourse uses them (and I also don’t think they have to know).

What does the “little guy at the end of the chain” do with the information about the version?


All I know is when discussing some software (problem/feature) we are always expected to also mention its version.

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Yes, if you are an admin who needs support.

I’ve never seen that expectation with an user.


They will Google for the answers they need.

Even in the idyllic community you describe, they would still have to wait around for the answer… which often is, “I don’t know. It is part of the upstream software we installed.”

I buy you a virtual cup of tea or stronger if you can show even one real world example of that. Every admin knows what they are istalled.

So your point is more or less an example of something we are describing up here in north like Maybe not true, but that’s how it’s perceived :rofl:

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