In a topic about a theme component, like this, there is a button to install the theme component there. Is it safe though? Anyone could enter a Discourse forum’s URL and it would be installed? I don’t dare to try it, but is there some sort of added security?
Also, was this new? I don’t remember seeing it around previously.
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No, it sends you to the site’s admin panel (With a quick way to install on screen), which obviously is locked down with standard permissions.

Yes, you definitely need the right permissions to be able install themes or theme components and it can’t just be done by adding a site link to the box. Feel free to give it a test.
It’s also not a new addition, and has been part of the theme and theme component topics for quite some time.
I see. Thanks for the clarification, @Firepup650 and @JammyDodger !
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