Quickly view a bit about each other with User Cards

A user card is what pops up when you click on a user’s avatar or username inside of a topic, on a topic page such as Latest, or on a user mention (an @username).

The user card gives a quick view of some of the profile information for that user, and allows everyone a little more room for personalization through their user card background. These backgrounds can even be animated, if allowed on your site (check out @codinghorror’s).

What shows up on your user card?

From your profile page, your:

  • Avatar
  • Username, name, and title
  • Last time you posted and join date
  • Your trust level badge and two of your top badges

And if you’ve set them, your:

  • ‘About me’ description (or three lines of it, if yours is rather lengthy)
  • Location
  • Pronouns
  • Website
  • User card background
  • User card badge (shows up in the bottom right corner)

Does the user card do anything else?


If you click on the avatar or username on someone’s user card, it takes you straight to their profile, where you can see further information about that user like their recent activity, list of badges, and summary page.

There’s also a ‘Message’ button on every user card, as a quick shortcut to sending a PM. And if you’re looking at a user card in a topic for someone who has posted more than once, there’s a nice filter button with a post count:

Screenshot from 2021-05-21 13-05-15

Which, when clicked, gives you a view of the topic with only that user’s posts.

A user card will also show if a user has been suspended, should that unfortunately be the case.

Hide your user card

User preferences:

  • Hide my public profile and presence features — will hide user profile, user card and badges


Related: Customize whether and how user cards are displayed

Last edited by @JammyDodger 2024-05-25T20:21:04Z

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