Quoting a post with multiple quotes fails

Lets say I have a post that quotes another post multiple times, quoting that post results in an error and markup code being displayed.

Lets place a second line of text here so I can create an example.

Okay, so how does that even work?

Let’s see…

This is the problem… The first quote-in-quote is completely omitted, and the second quote-in-quote is not rendered properly.

-edit: The quote in this post is unmodified what is added when quoting post 2 by doing Reply > Quote whole post. Try it!

Ofcourse a quote-in-quote should look like this. The problem seems to occur when there are multiple quotes being quoted…

How did you make. Above is what I receive when I select your post

The repro looks a bit different:

This works:

same block

This doesn’t:

new block


@elberet That’s not the problem I’m describing, I think…

What happens is that when you quote a post with two quotes in it, it gets messed up.
The first quote is completely removed. And the second quote is displayed as text.

So, I have this:

[quote="GeertJohan, post:2, topic:26910"]
Okay, so how does that even work?

[quote="GeertJohan, post:1, topic:26910, full:true"]
Lets place a second line of text here so I can create an example.
Let's see..

But I expect this:

[quote="GeertJohan, post:2, topic:26910"]
[quote="GeertJohan, post:1, topic:26910"]
Lets say I have a post that quotes another post multiple times, quoting that post results in an error and markup code being displayed.
Okay, so how does that even work?

[quote="GeertJohan, post:1, topic:26910"]
Lets place a second line of text here so I can create an example.
Let's see..

Hm, these are probably two distinct bugs. One: the parser doesn’t pick up nested quotes under certain circumstances, and two: the quote button in the editor toolbar omits part of the quoted message.

Specifically, a quick test on try shows that it only drops a quote if it is the first thing in the quoted message — which is most likely actually a feature because quoting quotes, especially starting a quotation with a nested quote, is mostly unwanted noise…


Hmm partially yes. But on the other hand: it should be up to the user to only quote what is required to create context. And deleting is much easier than adding, and less prone to errors… Its also a bit strange that the first quote isnt copied, but the second one is… They could both be important, but they could also both be noise…

This looks like the same issue I reported a while back: