Remove Case Sensitive in adding users to a message


I’m facing a problem that I think is solved elsewhere.

When I try to write usernames by copying them from a list and some of them aren’t exactly as their accounts, I get errors. lots of them.
I need to check every username for any capitals or smalls that are written differently in the list than their account usernames.

I’ve also noticed that this isn’t the case when we invite someone to an already created message. It’s not case sensitive. Not sure why the different logic.

Yet, we can’t invite multiple users using the add user inside an already create message.

Can I suggest the following?

  • Remove case-sensitivity when messaging multiple users when creating the message for the first time.
  • Remove inviting “one user at a time” in an already created message. Allow bulk invitations.

This would save us a lot of time.

Thank you for this great software. :slight_smile: