Remove moderator ability to view users email addresses

Your view on moderation greatly differs than the view we have. We have an admin team of 2, our moderation team is near ~10. If I had to constantly keep asking the two admins to Ban X, or suspend Y, that’d be frustrating. Those are moderator actions on an account.

Knowing the persons email address is critical for both of those actions (especially the first, as you’d want to ensure the email was sufficiently blocked for re-registering).

I think you are a very low minority on this one. I wouldn’t be able to perform 60% of what we deal with on our instance without seeing the email address. The posts that “feel off”, but are not obvious spam, and thus require a small bit of investigation. It sounds like you should make your “moderators” as TL 4 as that grants most of the ability they have now (except they can’t deal with flags) and then they can’t see the email address/edit profiles of others.