Replace mobile navigation with category dropdown

On the cell phone, how do I remove the recents, new, best and categories to change for all categories my forum has

Hi daniela,

Do you want to hide this menu?

Can you provide a screenshot so we understand better what you want to hide?

I want to change it to a menu that appears all categories of the forum

Sounds like they want the drop down to be like there is on desktop which has “All Categories”


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this has been discussed:

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My clean theme implements this functionality. If you want to take it out as a component, please fork my code and delete common.scss

discourse-theme-clean/javascripts/discourse/templates/mobile/components/navigation-bar.hbs at main · Lhcfl/discourse-theme-clean · GitHub


Well done.

But, the subcategories don’t show.

How did you make the categories appear on mobile?