Reply composer broken on firefox mobile

Can I ask about this bug which was marked as fixed:

Have had some users on our forum mentioning this and having tested it myself have found the same issue:

Tried with various posts in the topic, as the position was mentioned in the previous post to see if that effected it but happened with every reply. Does anyone know if there is an update needed to the build, as we’re currently using the latest commit, (5af056c48c) and haven’t seen the previous update posted in a previous one.

Firefox version:
133.0.2 (Build #2016060039), hg-209dcdd9680f+
GV: 133.0.2-20241204213141
AS: 133.0

Android 14



I also have issues on both here and on my forum

I noticed 2 commits were reverted 19 hours ago, any correlation?


Looks like it was reverted and then reapplied, if I’m reading those commit names right.

The commits in your screenshots are old. We did land a fix for this before the OP was created, but it hasn’t been working too well on Firefox.

I have another PR in the works at DEV: Consolidate mobile positioning strategies on mobile and iPad by pmusaraj · Pull Request #30241 · discourse/discourse · GitHub, we are currently testing those changes and I hope we can merge the PR shortly.


The PR above is now merged, please rebuild your instances and let me know if it fixes the issue. (I sure hope so!)


updating now, will let you know… thanks

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Working perfectly! Thanks!

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