Replying to the welcome message of the system user

I’ve just setup discourse. When a new user creates an account, she receives a message from the system user. Then I replied to this message as the new user, the reply has gone to the system user I think, but I don’t have the password for the system user. Is it possible to login as the system user. Who is supposed to answer this reply?

AFAIK you can’t impersonate or login as System, but if you go to you can see the messages to and from system.

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but how will the system respond to the these messages?

No. We can impersonate as system user.

It doesn’t.

You can either invite yourself into the PM, or create a new one to the user and say

Hi, I saw you replied to the welcome message from user system. System is a system account, so it can’t answer questions. I am a human, and I can (often) answer questions. The answer to your question is…

Change your site settings, so that message is sent from your account or another of your choice.

Warning: you may end up with hundreds of PMs in your PM box.