Requesting new features for Discourse

:bookmark: This guide explains how to request new features for Discourse, check existing plans, and increase the chances of your feature request being prioritized.

:person_raising_hand: Required user level: Anyone can submit a feature request

Got a great idea for a Discourse feature? That’s fantastic! Here’s how you can share it with the team effectively.

Make sure your feature isn’t already made or planned

Before submitting a new feature request, ensure it’s not already available or planned. Here are some places to check:

  • PR-Welcome tag: Look through the topics with the pr-welcome tag. A PR is a pull request on GitHub - a way for developers to introduce new code to a project.
  • Plugins: Explore the Plugins category.
  • Meta forum search: Use the search feature on the Meta forum, especially the Features section, and search using a few different terms. You can also upvote features in this category that you like to make their requests more prominent.

If your feature suggestion is already listed, support it by voting for it, liking it, and replying with additional ideas or use cases to further communicate its usefulness.

Can’t find any mention of your idea?
Okay then, one more thing before you share it:

Not all features are suitable for core

Before you move on, read how feature decisions are made.

Type up your idea and add it to the feature category

Need some guidance on writing a great feature request? Check out this Stack Exchange article: How do I write a good feature request?.

Want to ensure your feature gets made?

If you’re unable to develop the feature yourself, there are still ways to increase the chances of it being made:

Become a customer

If you would like to fund development by hosting sites with us – we always prioritize customer requests in our development timeline – that is one way to get it in faster.

Enterprise customers can request custom features (usually in the form of a plugin) by the core team at an hourly rate.

Sponsor a “pr-welcome” task

We have a comprehensive list of pr-welcome topics. These are tasks we’d love to see completed, but currently don’t have the bandwidth to work on ourselves. Sponsoring someone to work on these tasks is a great way to get involved.

Offer paid work on the Marketplace

If there’s a plugin you need that’s critical to your business, advertise a paid assignment on the marketplace. Provide as many details as possible, including screenshots and budget. You might also find freelancers offering standardized microservices like “one-time install” or “personalized theme.”

Additional Resources

Last edited by @hugh 2024-06-12T10:06:15Z

Last checked by @hugh 2024-06-11T03:39:29Z

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