Returning User Education?

The "New User’ education blocks are great! Could we also get “Returning User” education blocks? We’ve got two different ideas for how these could work:

Situation 1: User has been inactive in the community
If a user hasn’t visited the site or replied by email in X days, the block could be displayed to them on login. They could be used to re-enforce community rules after a period of absence.

Situation 2: User hasn’t visited after a set date
If a user hasn’t visited the site after a particular date, the block would be displayed at login. This could be used to let them know of changes to the community rules, kind of like a ‘terms of service’ change, but friendlier.


This is done by default with the site redirecting to /top the first time you load the homepage after an absense.

Number 2 - displaying a notice to all users until dismissed - can be done with Topic Wrench → Pin Topic → Banner Topic :slight_smile:

You may want to include instructions on clicking the X when done, as otherwise they may be prone to leaving it there…