Review queue displays translation missing button

I noticed a “Translation missing: en” button in the review queue.

My steps:

  1. Configure a watched word: Set up a watched word that requires approval, such as “approval”.
  2. Prepare a test user: Log in as a user who has category moderator permissions in the category used for testing (in my case invitedUser1).
  3. Create a test post: As the test user, create a new post containing the watched word (“approval”) in the category where the user is a category moderator.
  4. Verify post is in review queue: Confirm that the post is automatically placed in the review queue due to the watched word.
  5. Review the post: Open the review queue and notice the button. It’s only visible for the author of the post
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I tested this and received two different results.

When logging in as a Category Moderator for that category, I see the missing translation.

However, when logging in as an Admin, there is no button that says Translation missing: en. :thinking:

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It’s only visible to the author; other category moderators cannot see it either


I have a fix in the queue here: