🏛 Rome, a theme inspired by ancient roman manuscripts

Rome is a light Discourse theme that feels like an ancient roman manuscript and uses color based on pigments available to an artist of the time.

This is my second Discourse theme, following Ghost!

Coming next is a theme setting to make it less tied to history, which might make sense for Science and Research communities.

Daily quote

I borrowed the sidebar widget from Fakebook and replaced the intro with a random daily quote to encourage civilized discourse, fetched from a serverless Deno script. I added three quotes by Marcus Aurelius, Alexander the Great (yes, he’s Macedonian :slightly_smiling_face:), and Julius Ceasar. Feel free to suggest quotes by creating an issue or pull request at https://github.com/melhosseiny/rome-quotes.


Source: Sentences, folio 171r, Peter Lombard (yes, it’s medieval :laughing:)

Let me know in the comments if you experience issues or have suggestions!


On Mobile and PC, in theme , how can we turn off comment and view number?

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My CSS is pretty basic, but you can add a theme component to do that.

If you paste this into the Common tab of a new component that should do it:

.topic-list .topic-list-item .main-link .link-bottom-line .views{
    display: none;

.topic-list .topic-list-item .main-link .link-bottom-line .badge-posts {
    display: none;
Extra Details
  • Go to /admin/customize/themes
  • Click on install and then create new
  • Give it a name, and select ‘component’.
  • Create
  • Add it to your theme
  • Click on the Edit CSS/HTML button and paste this into the Common tab:
.topic-list .topic-list-item .main-link .link-bottom-line .views{
    display: none;

.topic-list .topic-list-item .main-link .link-bottom-line .badge-posts {
    display: none;

And save. :+1:


Using @JammyDodger’s CSS you will be able to hide comments and views, but curious why you’d like to? I can consider adding a theme setting


Thank you guys, I fixed it

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separate theme-component for this layout?


Can this be turned off?

it is in admin site settings