RSS Polling configured but not working?

I enabled the plugin and configed the polling frequency to 10 minutes, I also configed the feed URL and other settings, however after 10 min there is nothing catched into my Discourse forum. I just don’t understand what’s happened right now. Does it have something like debug mode to let me check the problem?

The plugin doesn’t have a debug-mode. It is possible there will be some useful error messages in your site’s error logs though. Have a look at your Admin / Logs / Error Logs page to see if there are any error messages that could be related to the plugin.

I deleted your post because the screenshots of the logs were exposing an email address that you may wish to keep private.

The Job exception: unknown keyword: :tags error is likely related to the issue. What version of Discourse is your site on?

Is that something not compatible with latest version?

There shouldn’t be issues with the RSS plugin on the latest version of Discourse. If you can find the log entry with the Job exception: unknown keyword: :tags error again, it would be great if you could send it to me in a personal message.

Use the logs page search box to find the log entry:

Then click the “Share” button for the entry that is returned:

Copy and paste the full page that is returned after clicking the Share button into a personal message. I might be able to see what is going wrong.

Hi guys, I found the problem. It’s because I’m using the “beta” branch version of discourse and the plugin only support the latest version.

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I’m on 2.8.0beta6 and the plugin works for me… or at least I think it does!

The latest version for beta is " 2.8.0.beta6(5e82006fb3)"

Mine is 2.8.0.beta6 (e5c257e5b5) which seems to be more recent. I don’t know whether that’s relevant.