Same Behaviour of Muted Category in all the SITE

The top menu is configure like this:


The page style is configure like this:


so I have:

On The Left

  • Category-1 everyone can create/see/reply but Require moderator approval of all new topics
    ** sub-category-1 everyone can create/see/reply without restriction
    ** sub-category-2 everyone can create/see/reply without restriction

  • Category-2 everyone can create/see/reply but Require moderator approval of all new topics
    ** sub-category-2 everyone can create/see/reply without restriction
    ** sub-category-2 everyone can create/see/reply without restriction

On the Right

  • A list of the latest TOPIC

If I only muted the top level category category-2 in my personal preference it doesn’t show it and also muted the sub-category automatically… so that is perfect, but when a TOPIC come on the sub-category-2 is show it in the latest view on the right so I have to muted all category and sub-category…

Same behaviour occurs when you click on LATEST, TOP this feature reduce the size of muted window in your preferences.

Why don’t have the same behaviour in all the site, like desktop category page style on the left?


1.- If true, When you muted a category it disappears from the left side and also all sub-categories involves in it… BUT
2.- When a Question come on sub-category, it still visible from the right side on the latest list

so I need to muted all category and sub-category that I don’t want to track and keep my view clean…


AFAIK much like category permissions there is no inheritance when muting.

If might make sense to at least show the muted parent categories in the above case with some visual marker to denote that the parent category has been muted but not the subcategories?


in this case don’t have sense show the muted parent categories… because it will be to noisy visually

also I configured the sub-category (or child) with parent category it would be nice if there is inheritance in muted…


How would you show the child categories and indicate their relationship without the parent to group them? N new category rows would be more noisy visually than a single new category row and the compact subcategory display.

Take howto as an example:

The title could be de-emphasized or an icon added to the left and description hidden when muted, but keep the subcategories visible as they’ve not been muted and will still appear in /latest. The alternative would be six new rows, with no indicator that they were related by a parent category.

So what happens if someone only wants to mute the parent and then certain subcategories? That’s a sweeping change which could create a lot of confusion.

Meta has a good example if this, what if I want to see all #feature:announcements, but not every feature post. Your suggestion would make that impossible:

You’re asking for a sledgehammer to save yourself a few clicks, and make more fine-grained muting impossible.

if not what I looking for I don’t want to have all that stuff in the LEFT main page… Is perfect as it.

I will close this…

WELL thanks you… that’s all I would like to know…


but a possible solution for this maybe, when you create a sub-category (or child):

Allow inheritance
