Same email gets sent every day

I’m working on building a community using Discourse and only recently people have started joining and participating. One user in particular has been participating a lot recently, which is awesome. But since the start of the following month this user has been receiving the “You’re a New User of the Month! #1” email daily. That is, every day Discourse will send out the same notification email to this user. The last thing I want to do is scare away new users with mail spam.

I’m using the latest version of Discourse which I installed using the instructions for the cloud. I just updated yesterday to see if the problem persists, but it is still happening. Is there anything else I can do to troubleshoot the problem? I’m also not aware of any topics that discuss the same issue.

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This may be relevant to the issue. My site is still in bootstrap mode:

To make launching your new site easier, you are in bootstrap mode. All new users will be granted trust level 1 and have daily email summary emails enabled. This will be automatically turned off when 50 users have joined.

So daily email summary emails are enabled, but surely this should not affect “New User of the Month” emails.

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Are you using the beta branch? Otherwise updating to the latest version should have solved the problem. The bug has been fixed nearly 3 weeks ago.


Glad to see that this has been fixed already. Strange that the issue isn’t fixed for me though. I upgraded the site using the admin panel. But I am on a feature branch, not master. Maybe that’s the issue? I just manually rebased on master and executed ./launcher rebuild app to see if that makes any difference.

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It seems I am on the beta branch because I have #version: tests-passed in my app.yml. I can switch to stable as explained here:

I am on 2.6.0.beta3 now so the issue should be fixed.

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