Scheduled messaging through chat

Hi! Why isn’t it possible to set a chat automation similar to the PM automation added to group > send message 1 after 10 minutes > send message 2 after 1000 minutes etc.?

I noticed my members aren’t reading the PMs I send them for onboarding, but whenever I message them though the chat they answer promptly.


Hey @Renato_Mendes — thanks for reaching out!

It’s interesting to hear that chat has been a more effective platform than PMs to communicate with your members. Do you think this is due to the nature of the channel itself (e.g., chat is less formal and therefore feels easier for members)? Have you experimented with sending the same message in the PM vs. chat, or only sending the chat? I wonder if the PM followed by the chat is also impacting this, if folks just need multiple reminders to respond.

All that said, you’re made a great point that we could certainly be pursuing greater parity between chat and PMs in Automations. While we don’t have immediate plans to add this functionality, I’m moving this topic to the Feature category so we can get more feedback on this request.


Hey, Lindsey!

I believe it’s due to how chat notifications are shown in the platform and delivered through e-mail in comparison to PMs. From what my users have told me, PMs get lost between all other platform notifications, such as mentions, answers etc., while the chat notification is separated from all others. Maybe PMs and chat messages could both be shown in the chat balloon?

I don’t know what difference is there in the e-mail that’s sent to users, though. Do you?

Bottom line, the automated onboarding PMs aren’t getting read, and I don’t have a way to solve that, so far.

I’ve only sent different messages through each channel.

Thanks for the answer :wink:


Just want to +1 this request. I’ve heard similar things from a few clients now, i.e. different versions of

  1. Chat is a more desirable and/or effective platform than PMs to communicate with users.
  2. A desire to send automated chat messages, in particular welcome messages, to new users.

My impression is that this is the reason, but that’s just anecdata.


good idea. I already do this on my forum using webhook