SEO title separator

I’ve made a PR that will add option to change title sepator:

Setting is an enum with list of separators inspired by Yoast SEO WP plugin.

For example, you can set the separator to be like:
Discourse Meta | The Official Support Forum for Discourse
Discourse Meta < The Official Support Forum for Discourse

Currently, the only option is -.

I didn’t go the plugin route for several reasons, mainly it seems to me that plugin couldn’t change all of this. I could be wrong.

@sam @codinghorror

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Really not sure this makes much sense to be in core.

It’s not an SEO “power user” setting really, just a matter of personal preference.


You are probably right.

Yeah, my take on this is that core can be cleaned up somewhat so it is extensible in a plugin, but I don’t really want to carry this extra option in core.


Closing PR. Thanks for feedback.