Set Site Contact Username to Discobot?

We use our DiscoBot (which I’ve renamed) as a fun character on our forum, it does many roles including sending automated messages from my website and creating daily quiz topics.

I’d like it to also be the “site contact username” so it is used to automatically close posts, and send out notices about Trust Level changes etc.

But even though I put its (new) username in the “set site contact username” field it doesn’t work. Is it not a valid staff member? (it has the staff group).


Hi Shaun,

I’ve just tested this on my site and I am able to change the username of Discobot and have it successfully send a message to a user (your post has been hidden PM) after adding the the username to the set site contact username setting.

Have you definitely spelt the new username correctly in the setting?

:pencil2: Edit: I noticed your site is running on 3.2 try updating to 3.3