Setting SSO Discourse with Wordpress

recently i want to setup my discourse and wordpress with one single login user name and password , since my members discuss everything at discourse but other make payment at wordpress.

  1. in my idea i would like let my member no need to trouble signup an account again at wordpress , when they login at discourse at the same time logined at wordpress too and make payment .

What i done at Discourse site
enable sso provider : YES
sso url : Wordpress URL
sso secret : same as wordpress
sso provider secrets : Wordpress URL + same as wordpress
enable sso : NO

What i done at wordpress site
Discourse URL : done
API Key : Done
Publishing Username : System

Publishing : haven’t set anything yet
Comment Settings : haven’t set anything yet
Text Content Settings : haven’t set anything yet
Webhook Settings : haven’t set anything yet

SSO Secret Key : YES
SSO Provider Settings : haven’t set anything yet
SSO Client : Enable SSO Client : checked
SSO Client : Add Login Link : checked
SSO Client : Login Link Redirect :
SSO Client : Sync Existing Users by Email : checked
SSO Client : Sync Logout with Discourse : checked

may i know anything i missed ?

  1. i would like to sync their data like email or username into wordpress .

What i done
i searching some solution at here ,as i know i need to export CSV and import into the wordpress if im wrong please recorrect me thanks .

  1. because i setup discourse first so all the user name and password under discourse here , but after import it to wordpress it will be same username and password as discourse ?

  2. one thing im confuse what is the difference with SSO provider and SSO Client ? in this case my discourse site will be SSO provider ? since all my database at discourse.

Is logging into WordPress from Discourse working for you?

You don’t need to fill in the sso url or sso secret fields when using Discourse as the SSO Provider.
Filling in these fields will not break the SSO provider functionality though.

The sso provider secrets field is used for the SSO secret when Discourse is the SSO provider. That field should look similar to this once it’s configured:

For new users the email and Discourse Username will be set when they first login to WordPress from Discourse.

You do not need to import your Discourse users to WordPress. New accounts will be created when users login to WordPress through Discourse.

The username will be the same, but the password is set randomly. Users will need to click the ‘forgot password’ link on WordPress if they would like to login to WordPress with a username/password instead of logging in through Discourse.

The SSO Provider is the source of authentication. For your case, Discourse is the SSO Provider and WordPress is the SSO Client.


may i know what should i testing and know it’s working or not ?