I recently created a droplet for discourse but is possible setup using my personal gmail account SMTP Settings and not use the email of my domain for which I created the droplet
It is difficult, at the very least, and a violation of their terms of service. There are some topics about using the paid-for Google mail (whatever it’s called this week).
Using something like mailgun (or similar) is what’s recommended. If you can figure out how to switch to the pay-as-you-go plan, it’s free for under something like 1K messages/month.
Hey @pfaffman we have a google workspace could it be possible to to setup discourse with a google workshop account and not use Mailgun.
I don’t know, but last I looked, it looked like Google wouldn’t let you talk to their smtp servers.
It’s not something that I would choose to spend my time on.
Yes you could, I had done that initially but ran into a problem very quickly. Note that gmail limits the number of emails sent to about 500 in a 24 hour rolling period. Discourse sends out a What you missed Summary emails to all users once a week or so. So when you hit about 500 users or more then you run into an issue where gmail will block discourse from sending any more emails.
you could try a app password
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