MD Topic List component

A lighter topic-list presentation for your Discourse forum. The posters column has been deleted but some informations has been added (name and avatar of the last poster) in the activity column and below the topic title (name of the topic creator, and a little emoji for the tags).


This theme component is compatible with the tags, featured links functions, and any functions available in the original topic-list version. Any category style presentation (bullet, bar, box) should work with this component.

The theme component has been tested on a few color palettes, it will work with light, neutral or dark themes.

Sadly, the theme component might not work with plugins that already changes the topic-list presentation like the Topic List Previews.

Let me know if you have any issue !


Love this component.
Is there any easy way to make the poster-info div exactly as in the screenshot?
I think this makes it more readable

Author name above :arrow_up:
Relative-date below :arrow_down:


It’s not a bad idea actually, I might use this by default :thinking:

But for now, you can edit the component, ib the header part, around line 60 to 69


<div class='poster-avatar'>
<a href="{{topic.lastPostUr}}" data-user-card="{{topic.last_poster_username}}">{{avatar topic.lastPoster usernamePath="username" imageSize="medium"}}</a>
<div class='poster-info'>
<a href="{{topic.lastPostUrl}}">
{{format-date topic.bumpedAt format="tiny"}}
<br />
<span class='editor'><a href="/users/{{topic.last_poster_username}}" data-auto-route="true" data-user-card="{{topic.last_poster_username}}">{{topic.last_poster_username}}</a></span>

What you want to use

<div class='poster-avatar'>
<a href="{{topic.lastPostUr}}" data-user-card="{{topic.last_poster_username}}">{{avatar topic.lastPoster usernamePath="username" imageSize="medium"}}</a>
<div class='poster-info'>
<span class='editor'><a href="/users/{{topic.last_poster_username}}" data-auto-route="true" data-user-card="{{topic.last_poster_username}}">{{topic.last_poster_username}}</a></span>
<br />
<a href="{{topic.lastPostUrl}}">
{{format-date topic.bumpedAt format="tiny"}}

You’ll need to edit this after each update but the component will not be upgraded that much.

You could also fork the repository, edit the file and use this version on your forum, if you’re familiar with github


I tried this change on my forum and I think it’s a good idea, I pushed an upgrade

If you prefer what we previously used, let me know, I can make an alternate version


@Steven did it stoped working with the last update? Its broke here.

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I didn’t notice yet, I usually do my upgrades on the weekend, I’ll check this tonight

I upgraded a forum and checked the logs, no issue for me.

Can you share a screenshot of the issue on your forum ? If I remember correctly you use a heavily customized theme, I think it might come from it. But I’ll see what I can do


I don’t use this theme anymore.

I tested in Material Design without CSS customizations, can’t make it work in any theme. Maybe it’s a plugin?

If you have Discourse topic previews for example the component will not work because it also uses change the topic-list-item.raw template

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You’re right about it. But I only use it for News Plugin 📰, that requires the Topic Preview.

So I have to choose between then. :sleepy:

Looks awesome on my forum and the little tag emoji is nice haha, awesome work!


Using this too on my instance. Looks so much cleaner. I never understood the concept of the 5 avatars, looks so cluttered.

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Just updated to the most recent ver of discourse ( 2.5.0.beta2 ) and it seems user avatars on posts have disappeared.

Forum link:

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I’ll check this tomorrow, I updated a few days ago, and it was fine, maybe something changed


Thanks for reporting, it is fixed now. You can upgrade the component and reactivate it


Ah, ty for the quick fix man! It’s working like a charm now :slight_smile:

I have updated to the newest version and my avatars are gone (2.4.1).
I had to disable this component for now.

You need to upgrade Discourse also and it will be fixed


Unfortunately for me, that means lots of upgrades (18 custom plugins) so I tend to update once every 3-4 months. I guess I am out of luck :smiley:

Anyway to access the previous version?