Topic Author

:warning: Deprecated in favour of Topic List Author

:discourse2: Summary Topic Author will change the layout of the /latest and categories and latest topic homepage showing in the first column the author of the topic. It works both on desktop and mobile.
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Install this theme component



Name Description
show author username Show author username instead profile avatar
Translation Default
author Author

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Last edited by @david 2025-03-13T12:21:07Z

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I recommend renaming this to Topic Author or Starter since creator may be confusing to some. Awesome theme, good work :+1:


Correct, I will rename it


It was exactly what I was looking for. But why to hide the other user’s images on desktop. Don’t you think there’s enough space to show the other images as well? Or if there’s an option to show those?

Thanks for working on this. Any chance you can also apply this to the /categories page, where the desktop category page style setting is “Categories and Latest Topics”?

This is now done, please update the theme component to see it in action.

I think that have more than 1 avatar (the author) in the first column can confuse users and dividing users into two columns, one for the author and one for the other users (maybe where it was originally) can be even more confusing.

You can do something similar

using this fork:


I am checking the preview of this component using the link in the first post but, it’s not working.

I can’t repro your issue even if I’m not logged in. The link works for me also if I open it in a new private window. Can you open the dev console on your browser and see if there are errors? Also, please try to open the link above using the safe-mode ( and disabling your current theme.


Now it’s opening correct but previously it wasn’t that’s why I reported it. Between great component, just want to know can be enable this for mobile only? As we already get the first image as author’s image in desktop.

Nope, but you can fork the original component on and delete the Desktop folder…


Okh, that’s a good workaround. But can’t this be an option in future versions?

@dax Thanks for your work on this component! It’s a perfect fit for our need.

I’m running into a small issue, though. The markup for the .author and .main-link elements have an extra " before class, which means my CSS for those elements isn’t being recognized.

Mmm… are you using other theme components? On my test-site it works without problem. The component probably do not works if you use other theme components as Avatar size and shape that manipulate the avatars.

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Yes, I did have the Discourse Avatar Component active, but am still seeing the markup issue with that component deactivated.

Ok, try to update the theme component now, the issue should be fixed.

PS: while I was working on this component I tested it with the Avatar component and it seems that it works well on topics (it does not work on Latest because it is overwritten by the Topic Author component).


@dax Yep, that looks good! Thanks for the quick turnaround.

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I noticed this component also changes the layout on the private messages list. Would it be relatively easy to change the topic list layout everywhere except the private messages list? For the private messages list I would like to use the default layout.

Hi @dax, just circling back here on the private message layout versus topic list layout. Is it possible to have the private message list display with the default layout?

Hello @dax, any update on this issue?

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Is it possible to add this theme an option to not remove the Users column seen below?