Show private forums and topic titles only

What would you like done?
A user might not have access to a category or to read a topic, but they can see they exist. They can even see the topic titles in latest, but when they click they are told they don’t have access to that forum or topic. We want non-members to know about private content, to entice them to join, otherwise they are only seeing the tip of the iceberg. They will not be able to read the content, there will be a button to subscribe or login next to the categories listing or when they click on a topic (login or join). We would also like these topics to show in latest and top listings, with similar buttons.

When do you need it done?
As soon as possible

What is your budget, in $ USD that you can offer for this task?

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I do this exact thing on my main site Productivity Guild. Any topic in the list with a shield in front of the title is behind a paywall. I’m doing this with this plugin:

It lets you pick the icon and the location of the redirect so you can set up a topic or page with instructions for paying.

I’d be happy to tweak this to your liking given your budget for this. But I thought I’d throw it out there as an option.


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