Small action posts should not be considered as replies?

Hi, I found that admin operations such as listing/unlisting a topic or changing its category are considered as a new reply to the topic. Then this topic would appear under the Latest tab even though there are no REAL replies to the discussion.

Is that reasonable? I don’t think visitors to the forum care about these admin operations.


I see what you mean, don’t forget though, that when closing or unlisitng a topic, mods and staff have the ability to add text in those notifications. That’s why they count as a reply. It also indicated the last person who replied in that topic.


Hello you can disable entirely via CSS but UX might have some inconveniences.

.small-action {
  display: none;
.small-action.time-gap {
  display: block;

Additionally, you can delete the staff action.

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If you change permissions of your category appropriately, visitors to the forum will never see these messages.

You set the permission of each category and so those permissions control who sees what category.

In your example @Jamie_Liu1, you change permissions of your “Release Notes” category.

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