Speak with the Discourse product team about invites

Hey folks :wave: We want to learn more about if / how you use Discourse’s invite feature to invite new members to your communities.

To help us get started with our research, could you please fill out the poll below? Note that you can select multiple answers, including opting in to chatting with us further on this subject. I’ll reach out directly to anyone who’d like to share more feedback.

How have you used Discourse’s invite feature in your community?
  • I have created an invite link.
  • I have sent an email invite.
  • I have sent bulk email invites.
  • I’ve never used the invite feature.
  • I’m willing to share more feedback about invites.
0 voters



I’d like to put an idea out with respect to how the resend invites works, I’d like to see it work somewhat like the PM’s do, with those you can bulk select


Invites have the option to resend all


However any large amount of pending, as I have


would be preferred in smaller runs, when I had fewer pending, don’t recall the number, I used that option once and was surprised how many sign-ups I got, they’d already received one yet the re-invite made a big difference.

I did change the original invitation text and that may have made a difference itself, but it would be nice to select 100 a time (or however many) and resend, or delete even, removing from a certain time frame for instance

As to success of the feature I have


and only 148 users, on a two month old forum,
I’d share more but am having a good day.