Stable version upgrade to 2.4.0

I have Discourse v2.3.9 with “version: stable” param in app.yml and would like to continue to use ‘stable’ version.

Dashboard shows that v2.4.0 is out, but when I go to Upgrade section, I see the following:

New Version Available!

  • Remote Version: v2.4.0.beta11 +737
  • Last Updated: 15 hours ago
  • 2616 new commits

Does it mean that Discourse will be upgraded to the recent test-passed version? As I understand from the commits master was merged into stable and it is a minor version upgrade. But why do I see “…beta11” there?



I was wondering the same but when you look at the list of commits, the last one is:

Screenshot 2020-02-27 at 19.01.39

which suggests that the Version displayed in Discourse is not the “correct” one. Well maybe it is correct because the stable release is the same as v2.4.0.beta11 +737?

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Are we all good here @neil?

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It should be fixed now.

I had tagged v2.4.0 commit in stable, but then we delayed the release by a day, so when I did the bump the next day I updated the timestamp on the commit and then pushed it and the new tag. But bumping the timestamp in git creates a new commit. The v2.4.0 tag was on an orphaned commit, so git describe HEAD 2>/dev/null was finding the wrong tag. Anyway, it’s fixed.


Thank you! It is fixed for me now too.