Stripe Payment Gateway feature request

We have stripe payment integrated using the inbuilt Stripe Discourse plugin on our website. However, on the payment page there is no option for users full name, address and zip code to be recorded.

Due to this, we are noticing several payments getting declined.

Can the team at discourse add these fields to stripe payment plugin quickly? The help from the support / plugin


I have similar issues, need them to add name and address to the payment link. Banks declining some of the transactions, very annoying, loosing customers that way


It’s a bit surprising that they aren’t all getting declined. That said, I don’t think that I have ever had one declined for that reason.

The banks / financial institutions are declining some transactions as they mark those as fraud activity since some essential customer information is missing such as - name, zip code, city, address. Customers have to call their bank to approve transaction and even after that some are still getting declined.
Ofcourse, certain banks could have different laws around it and don’t consider those transactions as fraud or suspect and clear.

All we are requesting is that payment plugin has:
a. Name
b. Zip Code
c. Address

Solves so much headache / trouble for us and customers.


Are you using the Discourse Subscriptions plugin, or the Stripe Donations plugin? One is maintained by the Discourse team, as an official plugin, the other is a third-party plugin.


The official subscriptions plugin. It asks for just the card number, expiration date and ccv code.

Correct. Official discourse plugin.

We are tracking this now, will let you know if we can get this sorted out in the next few weeks.


Please guys, we need this going, banks are getting rejected some of the new members signups and then they don’t comeback.

Is there a way to speed this process up?


Thank you Sam. Any chance you can push to get this fixed? It’s extremely important for us to continue using discourse.

Also while you guys work on the plugin - Can you also add quartely plan option? current plugin doesn’t support quarterly membership.


Any updates from Discourse team?

Hi @Tim_Tim :slight_smile: No need to badger, we will update this topic when there is new information. :+1: :slight_smile:

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Thanks so much! Im looking forward for those updates, as they are very crucial for our business, I guess the same for the others too.

Have a nice day

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This is underway and should be wrapped up next week. Address fields will be passed to Stripe and captured for the Stripe customer.


This has been updated:

  • Adds the following fields to the subscription payment form:
    • Cardholder Name
    • Country
    • Postal Code
    • Address Line 1
    • City
    • State or Province
  • Stripe recommends Cardholder Name & Country for verification; Cardholder Name, Country, and State/Province for US/Canada selections are now required fields
  • All entered fields are passed to Stripe for verification on submit
  • Fields are also captured on the customer record in Stripe, under Billing Details


Amazing. How do we update the plugin? This is the website

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This should be available to you now. :slight_smile:


Thank you guys. Much appreciated.

As we are onto this - Can we also add Quaterly Billing interval in the plugin. Would solve all our issues:)

It doesn’t look like a quarterly interval is an option. Here’s a jump link to the supported interval values:

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Looks like you’d create a monthly subscription and set the interval_count to 3. It’s possible, but a surprising amount of work.

From Create a price | Stripe API Reference

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