Testing email notifications for topic participation and mentions

How can I test if customers are receiving email notifications when they participate in a thread or are mentioned? Are there specific settings I need to check or configure to ensure this is working correctly?

I think you may be able to go to Admin > Email > Settings, input an email address and send a test email.

I think the place I’d start would be checking the email logs for sent and skipped, as well as particular users’ email preferences.


Is it possible to set all users’ preferences at once from the admin panel, or is there another method to do this?

When you change the default of a preference, such as default email level, you can choose whether this should also apply to existing users, but when a user has changed it themselves, their choice is not overwritten.

The default email level is “only when away”.
User1 changes it to “never”.
User2 does not change it, so it’s still “only when away”.
You set the default email level to “always” and choose to apply the changes historically.
Then new users will have “always” in their preferences and the preference of User2 is changed as well. But User1 will keep their preference.

If you absolutely want to overwrite the decision of the user, you can trick the mechanism by first setting the default to “never” and applying that historically. When you change it to “always” afterwards, the preference of User1 is changed because they now use the default too.


Thankyou so much everyone. :slight_smile:

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