The Evil Bouncy Castle of Settings and Customize

Thanks again for the further feedback – with the Alice scenario in particular, might I ask why you went through the sidebar sections manually instead of filtering? Personally now that we have the filter I never look through the sections, I just search e.g. “ip” or “user”.

We have the ability to add keywords to specific links in the sidebar for the filter to find, so if you have some examples where some keywords might make sense please let us know! We plan on adding more in future too.

We actually did a couple of rounds of user testing with this with different structures and organizations tried out. I am not sure if we will be able to make everyone happy here. Maybe allowing for reorganization and custom sections would help. In my mind, the solution to this is always using the filter and making the filter better at finding things.

100% agree – not sure we will ever get to the level of being able to search for users from there though :sweat_smile: We will definitely keep evolving it though:

Same, the more we remove (or at least reorganize and bury a bit in some cases) the clearer things can be for people who aren’t using the admin section all the time.

Surely so you can print out all the pretty waveforms and stick them up on a wall? :laughing: