I selected some plugins from the forum to deploy, using the command /var/discourse/launcher rebuild app. After the rebuild was completed, I found that one plugin was missing. I don’t know why it was not installed. This time I installed 7 plugins at the same time. I’m not sure if it was because installing too many plugins at the same time caused this issue. How can I troubleshoot this problem? Is there a place where I can check the relevant logs?
我从论坛里选了一些插件去部署,使用/var/discourse/launcher rebuild app命令,重建完成后我发现少了一个插件,我不知道为什么它没有被安装上,这次重建我同时安装了7个插件,不知道是不是因为同时安装的插件太多造成的,请问这个问题如何排查,有可以查看相关日志的地方吗?