Topic List Previews (legacy)

You will need to teach yourself a bit more about how plugins work and the plugin connectors. Your picture doesn’t even include the right files. Look at the connectors folder.


Definetly! I am new to Discourse development. Actually I read a lot of documentation here, but I am learning this from you now. And yes I found the right folder now.

Now I will do a research to find out which connector is used for the upper part of the navigation.


Yes, that’s the place. The explanation you want is Beginner's Guide to Creating Discourse Plugins Part 2: Plugin Outlets - developers - Discourse Meta


Thank you so much! :slight_smile:


Thank you for such a livesaver plugin! I can’t imagine using the forum without it.

How can I please allow the thumbnails to display along with the search results or the tag filter? Right now it only works with normal topic view inside categories, but not for searches. Can you allow it to appear in search results and tags filter as well?

Once again thanks a bunch for this amazing app!

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Glad it’s helpful.

Tag filter should work. I just tested it on mobile. Add tags and tags-mobile to all the relevant features as per the OP.

Search is not implemented. Please raise a feature request using the link in the OP. I can’t promise any specific turnaround. It may not be practical to add to the search list.


@renato, @falco I don’t believe this is a TLP bug.

To prove my point, rebuild an OP which contains a link and check the excerpt (without TLP installed). Use the excerpts Theme Component, for example


As you can see, the excerpt is polluted with a link. There is no TLP involved in the above.

However, I created a a workaround for this, and an option to exclude the links in settings:


This is only implemented in the TLP TC based setup, I’ve not backported this to the main plugin. I tend to focus on putting new features into the TC. Also no point in proliferating if this gets fixed in Core?


@merefield you won’t believe this, but I built a staging server! :joy: I tested an upgrade to latest today and everything works fine.


That’s great! And great timing. I’m right now moving house :wink:


Is there a way to have category view as Basic Style and user portfolio view as Masonry/Tiles? Oi. I probably butchered that terminology, but hopefully someone can decipher my vision. :laughing:


There should be, are you struggling with the settings? Have you experimented? (NB Masonry style in portfolio is only possible on Desktop at present - sponsorship or PR welcome to add this for mobile - at the time of writing that feature the core mobile implementation in the activity screens did not lend themselves easily to add that ).

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Yes, I have experimented, but I fear I am just not wise enough. Definitely struggling. :pleading_face: I’m trying to do one style on Categories and the other style on User Portfolios.


Those settings are completely separate so should not interfere with each other. NB Category settings are not in the plugin settings in Admin in the TLP plugin. They are with the Category settings on each Category’s homepage. Does that help? Note the remark about lack of intuitiveness in the OP.

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Some cool newz :newspaper: for the Theme Component version of this plugin:

*you could have hacked this for a while as Discourse changed their implementation which no longer makes a disctinction between mobile and desktop in this area. Now it’s officially added to the settings.


Hi, thanks you for this plugin and component. I installed the component and spent… a few hours… understanding things. It works now !
One question: I do not understand the purpose of " topic list actions", can you elaborate or direct me to an existing explanation? Thanks.


Glad you like it. The topic list actions adds a like button and a bookmark button on the topic list. For those to work on the TC you have to add the plugin sidecar unfortunately because we have to modify the API. You don’t need it.


Thanks, and my second question is: what is a portfolio? Is it a native Discourse functionality or a functionality of your plugin?

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Portfolio Is not native. It adds a user activity route and a button to get there on the desktop user card. Users can tag Topics they wish to appear there as a showcase. The tag is set by the admin. You can see the route in the screenshot a few posts back. You can style the feed with the same TLP elements. You can change the name of it (above it’s called ‘Featured’)


I will work on understanding that reading this thread. It’s not immediately clear for me but I don’t want to take too much of your time, thanks !


Don’t worry Patrick. Glad to help. I will add this discussion to the OP.

If you like it’s a bit like a User Wall. It’s a bit hard to find without the user card button but it serves to show a bunch of Topics the user has authored that they wish to highlight. They have to add the tag to the Topic for it to show. Some day I might add a button to do the same which might be a bit more intuitive!

It’s particularly useful for sites that have an image focus. Sometimes users want to show off a gallery of work, eg photography, 3D design.