Topic List Previews (legacy)

OK big improvements to the experimental Theme Component:

  • Featured Images should be working fully and better than ever (I rewrote much of it), with optional excerpts and you can select their dimensions. They now work on mobile
  • Category selectors should be working
  • Settings descriptions should reflect what still hasn’t been done/fixed
  • Some features removed/changed that worked in plugin because of lack of bespoke API.

NB#2 Chrome still struggles with my masonry renderer, there’s a limited scroll distance before the view becomes messed up … this is due to a browser limitation/me arrogantly pushing the boundaries of CSS and it’s currently being worked on by their development team. I’ve chosen to do it this way because 1. it’s responsive to sidebars 2. it’s ULTRA quick. 3. It should soon be fixed hopefully. Try it in Firefox or Safari for the full experience.