Trust Level 4 Promotion by a Community Election Poll?

It would not defeat the purpose as it is the Site Team that decides whether or not to use an election process for Sub mods(TL4 &or Cat Mods).

As I stated it is up to each site core team to determine how they manage their forum.

I never stated my site has any if the problems you presented. Elections and how a site if they chose to use it; is entirely up to the site team.

It would also be foolish to simply promote someone after an election. As some base training and conversations should take place.

If you want on your instance to have someone promoted instantly to a Cat Mod or Tl4 an automation script can be used. If a script does not exist someone can post in Marketplace with their requirements. The script would add a person to either a group that grants Tl4 or adds them to a category mod group.

Human interaction and oversight is key. As was pointed out with ‘popularity’ contest. Even with some vetting can be very detrimental if you end up with a rogue power hungry individual that will abuse the “privilege”.

The team is extremely unlikely to add this to core. At best a plugin or a how to using automation scripts and the like

A corporate/business and a whole slew of other community types would not want this. All it would do drive ppl away from choosing discourse.

The team was reluctant to add the “powered by discourse”. However reconsidered this due to community supporting having the option to display it. Now it is a toggle able option. Now you might ask why wouldn’t a discourse powered forum not want to display it? A variety of reasons and some even include a layer of security. Though there are ways to find the info if you know what your doing and understand what to look for.

Closing. Your idea for an optional addon is good. However your more recent posts on it will only serve to have ppl shy away from it. Discourse is extensible to allow deep customization. That if one wants to can have it drastically behave different from the base install.

Your topic was merged with an older topic. If you scroll up to first post you can. See team input/feedback.

I see that this could seem odd to you.

As I stated previously, this would not be on automatically, meaning that it would have to be turned on, and also, the fact that it can be turned on and off, and customized, infers that it is ultimately up to the admin. They say new is always different, but when you think about it, a PM with an automated system and a poll isn’t too far from realistic Discourse.

I never said that your SITE had problems, by that I meant your opposing idea.

There is a simple way to fix your issue with base training; Create a user tutorial for tl4s. Like the basic and advanced user tutorials, this could both give a badge and train tl4s on how to help the community, as well as base moderation practice.

I never said that it would not be overseen. I meant that, if necessary, it could run on its own. Most likely, moderators would oversee the process, as inferred from the previous text.

Finally, it could be unlikely, but there is still a chance. It is practical, helpful, and teased by discourse. These 3 factors mean that, until further notice, this can never be ruled out completely.

What do you mean by that?

I do not mean to scare anybody away, I am just trying to improve the original idea, while keeping it’s purpose.

Scroll up to first post. Your topic was merged with an existing topic. There is already enough tools available to peice this together. May need a couple of custom things created. But as said this is extremely unlikely to be added to core. More things merged into core creates too much bloat. Hence why you have optional #plugjn Theme & Theme component to customize things to your preferences. If something doesn’t exist you can if you have the skills can create your own customizations or if you have a budget you can post in Marketplace to create something, setup things and fix issues

Here is a link to first post. You are no longer the Op.

@twofoursixeight already made a topic like this over a year ago. Your topic was merged with theirs

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I posted on the same topic as twofoursixeight on purpose, because you shouldn’t make another post if a similar one already exists. Also, a moderator would have left a message.

This is becoming a 2-person conversation, along with the fact that the same information is being passed on each end. I feel as if this should be resolved and let the idea play out as it will.

Well if you reviewed it then you know this is already doable with tools available with some minor tweaking. Including the potential to utilize AI.

AI plugin is available to install if your self hosted. It is available on discourse hosting plans if you pay for the supported tier.

So you can already a la carte this idea.

The more features merged in core creates bloat. So the team is careful about what they make part of the core install.


I feel like all the gimkitters are here -_-
Also, yeah this is a good idea.

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This relatively won’t take up very much room for core.

Ah, there might be a misunderstanding.

By AI, you might think I mean an advanced algorithm.

I mean more like a reasoning and filtering algorithm, just smart enough to make reasonable decisions on discourse, nothing more. Something like this could take up megabytes if trained properly.

But not every forum needs this feature.
It takes up precious memory storage for those that don’t need elections. I would perfer it be a plugin instead of forced onto base Discourse.

You might be using AI to write your posts. That could be one thing they mean. Or they probably could mean ChatGPT, Gemini, etc.

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What do you mean by this?

As well, I still believe in this, and even though not every forum needs it, it’s something almost every forum could use. There are features in discourse some people don’t use.

If it must be a plugin maybe it could be an official plug-in? [1]

I looked at the statistics, and I saw it took up about 20 gigabytes. A few megabytes wouldn’t mean much to it. This is no Discourse AI, and is nowhere near the size of ChatGPT. Unless you are going by the “Every Byte Matters” philosophy. But still, it’s not that much if you think about it. Of course, most decisions could be made by staff, meaning the algorithm could be even smaller. It’s basically just a filter with reasoning added on.

A Little Confirmation

  1. I still believe in this as a feature, however. The pros, in this case, would outweigh the cons. ↩︎

Indeed as an optional add on. Which the team has already outlined is doable with the add-ons available.


That is true of any number of good add-ons individually it is not much until you add countless “good ideas” that are only used in niche cases.

I know you’re having difficulty understanding why Discourse is designed to be extensible. Extensible ensures wide customization to the core base program. If you look over the githubs for plugins - themes & TC. They are typically relatively small in size individually and take up very little space on install.

So again this idea does not need to be part of core due to Discourse’s design.

I will leave you with this. You either understand Discourse Meta’s design or you don’t.


Sure if the team wants to put resources into this & it aligns with their philosophy & roadmap. Since you’re really invested consider sponsoring the plugin in Marketplace

Yes Falco summed it up

Meaning you have all the tools generally available.


nothing is stopping you guys from building your own plugin.


This is not true.

I am going to leave this for now, but I will leave it for reference.

  1. It’s purpose still stands true and would be useful

The image displays a text-based slide with a heading "Trust Level 4 – Leader" and several bullet points.  (Captioned by AI)
I say, this could be, yet it’s purpose still stands; also I’m trying to make the best idea possible that would be good for everyone.

But still, this is just an idea. Opinions are aloud, and I may have mine, and you may have yours.

TL4 can be awarded when a user is added to a group. See group settings.