Try out the new sidebar and notification menus!

Kind of, but that might just be because they are prioritised by latest, rather than by importance of content to the user.

Maybe “all” could be split somehow? e.g.

But this would be dynamic. For example, if there are no new likes, then that section is empty/hidden, and we add 4 more items to “Latest”

I’m not really sure.

I loved this button immediately. It gave me a way to search less important things for something important I might have missed.

I experienced this as well. A more direct way to access the mailbox is nice.

I also struggled for a minute. Maybe it would be good to make Admin an entire item on the sidebar? This would give us quicker access to dashboard,settings, users etc.


Ah yes, mobile. I recall it’s not easy to get consistent behavior across all devices and have the composer open to fill the entire screen as it is intended to do. Maybe it makes sense to collapse the sidebar on mobile when the composer is opened.

On desktop the behavior is fine because there is plenty of space and you don’t want the sidebar to disappear when you start writing a post.

I don’t think the default_sidebar_categories determines the sort order, does it?

But you are reminding me that there are admin settings to determine the ordering of categories that we might want to respect on the sidebar, at least by default.

Ultimately I’d like users to be able to personally decide on the ordering of categories and tags shown in the sidebar.


Or just make the composer full screen on mobile perhaps? It’d require folks to minimize it when they want to navigate around and/or quote stuff, but I think I find myself doing that anyway a lot of the time…


2 posts were split to a new topic: Strange grey bar near bottom of sidebar on iOS

This should be fixed now via: DEV: Various A11Y improvements for the new user menu by OsamaSayegh · Pull Request #18288 · discourse/discourse · GitHub


Quite strange… do you see that here on Meta as well?

This wasn’t on our radar yet. As we get a bit further along, we’ll probably enable it there by default, but right now, this is still experimental, so it’s a bit early to do that.

Adding elements of the sidebar to the styleguide may be worth doing as well.

We have in mind adding support for a query parameter that would allow you to enable it yourself though. This would also allow you to preview your site’s own existing theme with the sidebar prior to deploying it. But we haven’t gotten to that yet.


We’re the recent, new and unread removed from the menu? They were very useful.

Another thing, the csteogires in the sidebar seem to redirect to Unread listing. Shouldn’t they redirect to the full listing ordered from most recent towards oldest?

1 Like

Have you caught up, so they aren’t displayed because there are not any new, or unread? I almost always use the “gu” and “gn” keyboard shortcuts (on desktop, anyway)


I started another topic about that feedback over here: Sidebar topic list links prefer unread and new over latest


A post was split to a new topic: Nest subcategories under their parent categories in the sidebar

Maybe it’s because I don’t have many notifications, but I prefer having only the bell, and I can still click the see all notifications to go to notifications page with full list.

The category split is very confused to me (you have to guess what those icons mean) and completely overkill. :woozy_face:
I understand it is kind of fun gadget, but the old simple chronological notification list (bell) is more efficient to me. :grin:



Can we have the FAQ more obvious instead of collapsed by default? It used to be at the top of the hamburger menu thus I put a lot of instructions on that page.

And the review queue seems hard to find now.

Accessing admin panel now requires moving the cursor across the whole screen from right to left when the sidebar is enabled, maybe an option to put the sidebar on right could fix this issue.

Also, the new dropdown menu seems to break Hamburger Theme Selector


I agree. Especially if this is going to be the default in the future so that new users can find FaQ etc quickly. For some reason it took me some looking to find the More… button.


We do plan to add a link for this in the community section… (unless we do a whole separate Admin section as suggested here: Add an Admin section to the sidebar)

Do you know how your users currently reach that page most often? Is it via the hamburger link or via links people share within posts?


How do I check that? Is there a query that I can run in data explorer?


Hmm… probably not. It may take something similar to Google Analytics (not my area of expertise).


This is a bug and has been fixed in

Thank you for letting us know :+1:


Wonderful things happening on Discourse these days :heart_eyes: I really like every piece of change. :slightly_smiling_face:

I have only a question now for sidebar. Is there any chance or plan to add a setting in admin to make it fixed? So users cannot collapse it with toggle button or pressing +. And make it like on the Focused Sidebar theme hide it responsively and add the hamburger button to header when screen size smaller on desktop?

Thanks :slightly_smiling_face:


I’m curious. What is such situation you want override what and how an user wants see things?