Trying to access /tags gives an error due to keyword conflict

Hey @looeee

Sorry to read you are having this issue.

I visited your site and took a quick look for you and found a lot of javascript errors in the console; but I could not trace the console error to a specific main line in the Ember / JS code.

To confirm it was related to javascript, which is easy enough to do, I looked at your site (the tags page) with the user agent set to GoogleBot, and could access the page:

Here is a “long shot”, “just to see” kinda thing, but it might lead you to some clues.

Consider temporarily “disabling tags” in your admin panel settings:

Screen Shot 2020-08-15 at 5.28.30 PM

Then navigate to your tags page like before and refresh. You should get the standard Discourse 404 error:

  • Oops! That page doesn’t exist or is private.

If you do not see the ’ Oops! That page doesn’t exist or is private’ message after you disable thread tags, that will be an interesting surprise; but I guess you will.

Then, go back into your admin settings and re-enable your thread tags, and refresh the tags page again.

I am guessing you will still see the “Something went wrong” message, but it is easy enough to disable and re-enable, and see if anything new or interesting appears which might be a clue.


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