Unable to build phpBB import container on brand-new Discourse

To create a common start point, I have reinstalled my VPS (Ubuntu 22.04), apt update && apt upgrade, then began the standard discourse installation process.

In case this information is material, I did make a mistake while keying information during the 1st ./discourse-setup so issued control-C and then reran ./discourse-setup. The second run of ./discourse-setup pulls a new discourse/base as shown…

root@discourse:/var/discourse# ./discourse-setup 
The configuration file containers/app.yml already exists!

. . . reconfiguring . . .

Saving old file as app.yml.2024-07-29-151604.bak
Stopping existing container in 5 seconds or Control-C to cancel.
x86_64 arch detected.

WARNING: We are about to start downloading the Discourse base image
This process may take anywhere between a few minutes to an hour, depending on your network speed

Please be patient

2.0.20240708-0023: Pulling from discourse/base
76956b537f14: Pull complete 
c5ffad89ad3c: Pull complete 
71c31a50a587: Pull complete 
c1a1234dcb61: Pull complete 
9980a27afc32: Pull complete 
4f4fb700ef54: Pull complete 
304b565c70c9: Pull complete 
8ad811162d08: Pull complete 
2c324dce526d: Pull complete 
52d141c2b1c8: Pull complete 
4c08fdcd145a: Pull complete 
1b6035ac25c0: Pull complete 
9208d0f90623: Pull complete 
513dccf6f63f: Pull complete 
e0b141854963: Pull complete 
4476d7dd9441: Pull complete 
0fad77941078: Pull complete 
46c34476ea19: Pull complete 
ff0b86516349: Pull complete 
c33170d09c8b: Pull complete 
ed4a793ffe51: Pull complete 
3a7b2554e089: Pull complete 
3ad8a6408839: Pull complete 
e7c58bcc7f57: Pull complete 
59b2407fe431: Pull complete 
315160f4d4f8: Pull complete 
ad328ba96976: Pull complete 
825dca2e642e: Pull complete 
9fbd8c908047: Pull complete 
b1d30330e969: Pull complete 
8c76c65bb8e8: Pull complete 
9279965667b5: Pull complete 
a0ae3eb4d088: Pull complete 
819fb509ef8b: Pull complete 
c962935d47d4: Pull complete 
63b444b5bd1e: Pull complete 
7efa1c09faf6: Pull complete 
46c4327ce462: Pull complete 
b095ebe7bdf6: Pull complete 
3aa16a533cab: Pull complete 
41419e4f1948: Pull complete 
589837814d9a: Pull complete 
bd025ad1b844: Pull complete 
24762ff7528f: Pull complete 
fe364253c657: Pull complete 
Digest: sha256:025e9c1f6848c4726544c6ae873d710c62f547b72afb7f537aaa44eb5377cb5c
Status: Downloaded newer image for discourse/base:2.0.20240708-0023
app was not started !
./discourse-doctor may help diagnose the problem.

Found 3GB of memory and 2 physical CPU cores
setting db_shared_buffers = 768MB
containers/app.yml memory parameters updated.

The discourse installation continued and ran to completion. I was able to create the initial account and login.

I, [2024-07-29T15:42:21.624379 #1]  INFO -- : Replacing location @discourse { with location @discourse {
add_header Strict-Transport-Security 'max-age=31536000'; # remember the certificate for a year and automatically connect to HTTPS for this domain in /etc/nginx/conf.d/discourse.conf
I, [2024-07-29T15:42:21.627858 #1]  INFO -- : > echo "Beginning of custom commands"
I, [2024-07-29T15:42:21.634022 #1]  INFO -- : Beginning of custom commands

I, [2024-07-29T15:42:21.637436 #1]  INFO -- : > echo "End of custom commands"
I, [2024-07-29T15:42:21.642766 #1]  INFO -- : End of custom commands

I, [2024-07-29T15:42:21.648034 #1]  INFO -- : Terminating async processes
I, [2024-07-29T15:42:21.649479 #1]  INFO -- : Sending INT to HOME=/var/lib/postgresql USER=postgres exec chpst -u postgres:postgres:ssl-cert -U postgres:postgres:ssl-cert /usr/lib/postgresql/13/bin/postmaster -D /etc/postgresql/13/main pid: 57
2024-07-29 15:42:21.651 UTC [57] LOG:  received fast shutdown request
I, [2024-07-29T15:42:21.652067 #1]  INFO -- : Sending TERM to exec chpst -u redis -U redis /usr/bin/redis-server /etc/redis/redis.conf pid: 120
120:signal-handler (1722267741) Received SIGTERM scheduling shutdown...
2024-07-29 15:42:21.658 UTC [57] LOG:  aborting any active transactions
120:M 29 Jul 2024 15:42:21.667 # User requested shutdown...
120:M 29 Jul 2024 15:42:21.668 * Saving the final RDB snapshot before exiting.
2024-07-29 15:42:21.682 UTC [57] LOG:  background worker "logical replication launcher" (PID 72) exited with exit code 1
120:M 29 Jul 2024 15:42:21.682 * DB saved on disk
120:M 29 Jul 2024 15:42:21.683 # Redis is now ready to exit, bye bye...
2024-07-29 15:42:21.685 UTC [67] LOG:  shutting down
2024-07-29 15:42:21.806 UTC [57] LOG:  database system is shut down

+ /usr/bin/docker run --shm-size=512m -d --restart=always -e LANG=en_US.UTF-8 -e RAILS_ENV=production -e UNICORN_WORKERS=4 -e UNICORN_SIDEKIQS=1 -e RUBY_GC_HEAP_GROWTH_MAX_SLOTS=40000 -e RUBY_GC_HEAP_INIT_SLOTS=400000 -e RUBY_GC_HEAP_OLDOBJECT_LIMIT_FACTOR=1.5 -e DISCOURSE_DB_SOCKET=/var/run/postgresql -e DISCOURSE_DB_HOST= -e DISCOURSE_DB_PORT= -e LETSENCRYPT_DIR=/shared/letsencrypt -e DISCOURSE_FORCE_HTTPS=true -e LC_ALL=en_US.UTF-8 -e LANGUAGE=en_US.UTF-8 -e DISCOURSE_HOSTNAME=discourse3.greenbullfrog.com -e DISCOURSE_DEVELOPER_EMAILS=discourse-admin@greenbullfrog.com -e DISCOURSE_SMTP_ADDRESS=box.greenbullfrog.com -e DISCOURSE_SMTP_PORT=587 -e DISCOURSE_SMTP_USER_NAME=discourse@greenbullfrog.com -e DISCOURSE_SMTP_PASSWORD=lAtDyjbyqztzhrG -e DISCOURSE_SMTP_DOMAIN=discourse3.greenbullfrog.com -e DISCOURSE_NOTIFICATION_EMAIL=noreply@discourse3.greenbullfrog.com -e LETSENCRYPT_ACCOUNT_EMAIL=letsencrypt@greenbullfrog.com -h discourse-app -e DOCKER_HOST_IP= --name app -t -p 80:80 -p 443:443 -v /var/discourse/shared/standalone:/shared -v /var/discourse/shared/standalone/log/var-log:/var/log --mac-address 02:f9:8c:dd:3d:63 local_discourse/app /sbin/boot

Next, I began the process described at Migrate a phpBB3 forum to Discourse .

Here is the head of my import.yml file…

root@discourse:/var/discourse# head -23 containers/import.yml 
## this is the all-in-one, standalone Discourse Docker container template
## After making changes to this file, you MUST rebuild
## /var/discourse/launcher rebuild app
## visit http://www.yamllint.com/ to validate this file as needed

  - "templates/postgres.template.yml"
  - "templates/redis.template.yml"
  - "templates/web.template.yml"
  ## Uncomment the next line to enable the IPv6 listener
  #- "templates/web.ipv6.template.yml"
  - "templates/web.ratelimited.template.yml"
  ## Uncomment these two lines if you wish to add Lets Encrypt (https)
  - "templates/web.ssl.template.yml"
  - "templates/web.letsencrypt.ssl.template.yml"
  - "templates/import/phpbb3.template.yml"

## which TCP/IP ports should this container expose?
## If you want Discourse to share a port with another webserver like Apache or nginx,

The problem occurs when running the /var/discourse/launcher rebuild import command. Due to length, it is not possible to post the log of that command. However, you can download it from this NextCloud link…