I host my email setup on Yandex.Connect and I am trying to use their SMTP service on the Discourse however Discourse just could not send out any emails. I do not think Yandex’s SMTP is supported by Discourse otherwise I see no problem.
Here is what I have done:
Added records such as MX, DKIM, TXTs for Yandex.Connect. Domain is verified by Yandex.Connect
I created an account named noreply@domain.com and an app password (for SMTP usage) for this account. Filled app.yml respectively: smtp.yandex.com on port 465 with username noreply@domain.com and app password.
Rebuilt, and none. It does not work.
So do you think I am doing something wrong or Yandex SMTP is just not supported?
Wow! These rates are quite good when compared to other free options. Yandex is just, great! Thank you again for such information and your time, @Evgeny. Really appreciate it.